13 июня 2018 г. в 11:33

Tedeschi family...

Tedeschi family in the old cellar
Tedeschi family in the old cellar

Region Valpolicella...

First, region Valpolicella is in a strategic position for the Yellow Road, because the road passes by Bolzano, Trento, Verona ... (a small stop in Verona is already prepared: https://www.obzor.lt/blogs/bp10451.html ). I do not want to sit down in the boat to swim across Lake Garda from north to south, only for the reason that Valpolicella is mainly doing red wine.

Secondly, this winery has a fantastic landscape...

Panoramic view of the vineyards of the Tedeschi family
Panoramic view of the vineyards of the Tedeschi family

So, we are again at Lake Garda, where there are amazing wines. And beautiful places. Winery Tedeschi is located just north of the Lugana Ancilla estate. The Valpolicella region is famous for its red wines and the Tedeschi family is mainly engaged in red wines. Almost all of their wines are marked by DOС. And a few red have even DOСG. I think that visitors will be very interested in comparing their white (of course, yellow) with red, before leaving the winery.

Still life cardboard
Still life cardboard

Interview with Sabrina Tedeschi

Sabrina in the cellar
Sabrina in the cellar

1 - The history of creating your favorite white (yellow) wine

It’s from the ‘70s that Tedeschi produces a Soave Doc Classico. Our “Capitel Tenda” is a wine produced using 100% Garganega, harvested at the end of August/beginning of September in vineyards located in the oldest area of origin in Monteforte d’Alpone, that with Soave, makes up the classic Soave area. The distinctive winemaking technology employed and the use only of the steel thanks yields an elegant and velvety wine with a delicate almond-scented nose.

2 - Do you prefer (it's important for you) the color of the wine?

Yes it is. Our Capitel Tenda Soave Doc Classico is yellow with green reflections, clear and transparent. The colour is the colour is fascinating and gives elegance to the wine.

3 - What is your favorite wine (red or white)? And why?

Our production is based mainly on red wines. in fact my family boast of an almost4-century long history in the wine business (since 1630) and have always believed in the richness of Valpolicella wine production. Attention to tradition, focus on innovation and knowledge of the local territory are the key elements that make up the identity of my family production.

Our vineyards (about 46 ha) all lie on hillside sites and some of them are among the historic vineyards of the Valpolicella Classico zone, such as the famous Monte Olmi, which was the first cru of the denomination. Another historic plot is the Fabriseria vineyard, which gives its name to an entire line of wines that includes our famous Amarone which is only produced in exceptional vintages. The purchase of the Maternigo Estate in the Valpolicella DOC area has enabled the company to become totally self-sufficient as regards fruit supply. It is actually at Maternigo that we began work on zoning and establishing the characteristics of each of our vineyards: a fundamental research project that is one of the first of its kind in Valpolicella. A perfect knowledge of the soils and of the behaviour of the vines in each individual vineyard parcel has allowed us to optimize our vineyard husbandry and to put the finishing touches to the process of increasing environmental sustainibility that we began several years ago.

Capitel Monte Olmi Amarone DOCG Classico Riserva
Capitel Monte Olmi Amarone DOCG Classico Riserva
Capitel Tenda Soave Classico
Capitel Tenda Soave Classico

My favorite one is Amarone Monte Olmi, a wine produced using a blend of 8 different local grapes. After the harvest at the end of September, beginning of October the grapes are dryed in a fruit storage structure where the humidity is controlled for 4 months. The alcoholic fermentation and maceration lasts 40/60 days at the temperature of 15° C and then the wine si aged for 4 years in Slavonian oak barrels and in bottle for 6 months.

This wine is so important for me and my family also because it represent the forward-thinking style that the company have since the early 60s, when my father Lorenzo Tedeschi had the idea of vinifying the grapes from the Monte Olmi vineyard separately, creating one of the very first single-vineyard wines in Valpolicella. Today Monte Olmi is the symbol of the estate and its territory.

4 - List, if possible, a set (gift box) of four or six own wines (red and white), which, in your opinion, can worthily represent your farm.

  1. La Fabriseria - Amarone della Valpolicella DOCG Classico Riserva

  2. Capitel Monte Olmi - Amarone della Valpolicella DOCG Classico Riserva

  3. Amarone della Valpolicella Amarone della Valpolicella DOCG

  4. La Fabriseria - Valpolicella DOC Classico Superiore

  5. Maternigo - Valpolicella DOC Superiore

  6. Capitel San Rocco - Valpolicella Ripasso DOC Superiore

5 - Your choice for the "Yellow Road" (you can give 1-2 white wines)?

Our choice for the "Yellow Road" is the Capitel Tenda Soave Doc Classico

6- You can offer the most beautiful view (favorite point) on vineyards or the surrounding landscape

We definitely have more than a single point.

  •    Monte Olmi. Bought in 1918, the vineyard covers 2.5 hectares in the village of Pedemonte, in the municipality of San Pietro in Cariano the heart of the Valpolicella area. The vineyard has an elevation of 130 m above sea level and faces south-west. As the vineyard is considerably steep, it was necessary to erect dry stone walls, built in local stone, over the years. Today the walls have been restored. The vine training system used on the terraces is the typical Veronese pergola.
Vineyard Fabriseria
Vineyard Fabriseria
  •    La Fabriseria. At the beginning of the 2000s, the Tedeschi family have planted this vineyard that covers 7 hectares and is situated in Le Pontare (between the municipalities of Sant’Ambrogio di Valpolicella and Fumane in the Valpolicella Classica). The vineyard has an average elevation of 450 m above sea level and faces south/south-east. The vine training system used is guyot. From this vinyard you can have a magnificent view of the entire Valpolicella Calssica area and you can see also from the top the south part of the Garda Lake.
  •    Maternigo. This name means “house of the mother” because there was a host house for pregnant girls in the past. The vineyard was bought in 2006. The estate covers 84 hectares (31 of which are planted with vines today) and lies between the municipalities of Tregnago and Mezzane di Sotto, in the Valpolicella DOC area. The altitude is between 300 and 400 m above sea level. The area is beautiful and sorrounded by the nature and hills.

7- In which restaurant or café in Fumane, di Sant'Ambrogio or Verona tourists can taste your wines? What would you recommend to try (what kind of food)?

You can find our products in many restaurants or wine shops here. Among them we can mention the "Antica Bottega del Vino" in Verona, the "Enoteca della Valpolicella" in Fumane and the "Trattoria Caprini" in Torbe (Vr). In these restaurants you can taste good meat dishes, pasta and risotto or good local cheeses.

8- What cultural event would you like to see at home: an exhibition, an opera, a ballet or something else? A fan of what kinds of art you are?

What I really like are the painting exhibitions.

Cross the Fabriseria.
Cross the Fabriseria.

9- Your vineyards are located in fantastically beautiful places. Have you thought about building your own tourist route for your vineyards?

With some of our clients we do a tour of all our vineyards to let them know better our history and our work and let them discover our terroir that then is reflected in or products. We have also in mind to restore the old house that we have in the Maternigo estate and create a relais to welcome customers. This is a project for the future.

10 - Which white wine producer (from Italy or another country) would you recommend for the "Yellow Road"?

I reccommend “Venica & Venica” Winery in Friuli

Sergey Evtuhov, author of the project

13 июня 2018 г. в 11:33
Yellow Road
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