13 августа 2019 г. в 09:15

Château PENIN (Bordeaux) + Château LA FLEUR PENIN (Saint Emilion Grand Cru)...

Château PENIN
Château PENIN

Near the city of Libourne, in the south-west of France and thirty kilometers from Bordeaux, is Château PENIN. But the chateau has another winery in the neighboring wine region - in Saint Emilion - Château LA FLEUR PENIN.

Patrick Carteyron, owner of the Chateau Penin
Patrick Carteyron, owner of the Chateau Penin

Yellow Road questions are answered by Fernando Jimenez, commercial assistant.

1 - I read on your site that the owner is Patrick Carteyron, a fifth-generation winemaker. Which wine from the old chateau can be called "historical", the main wine of the castle? Was it white or red wine?

At the very beginning there wasn’t a name for our wines, it was just made from red grapes, there was 2 kind of wines: a red wine and a clairet wine (which is a wine between a red and rosé, it’s very fruity, smooth, not tannic at all. The color of clairet is due to the short maceration for about 48h. When Patrick Carteyron took the management and winemaker position of Château Penin in 1982, he created the names for our wines. But if we want to mention the oldest wine, we could say it is the Clairet wine. Currently we couldn’t speak about “the main wine” of the Château, why? Simply because all our wine range have their rewards and all of them are very well requested.

2 - Some more history. In 2011, you buy Château La Fleur( Sant Emilion)

The property of Château La Fleur Penin located at St Emilion, it was a property part of a cooperative winery. Once it was owned, Patrick rebuild the cellar and the aging cellar. After this a soil study was implemented in order to know better our quality potential for our AOC saint Emilion Grand Cru wine

3 - What you have acquired (in terms of quality, improving the characteristics of your production). What wine has now become your “locomotive”?

We don’t have “a locomotive wine” we have several locomotive wines, every wine require the same interest and passion to make it.

4 - Please share the story of your favorite white (yellow) wine.

Patrick has a preference for Meursault white wines

5 - Where can I try your white wines? (countries, restaurants, etc.)

Chateau PENIN  Still Life with Wine
Chateau PENIN Still Life with Wine
Still Life №2
Still Life №2

6 - List, if possible, a set (gift box) of three or four of your own wines (red and white), which, in your opinion, may be worthy of the presentation of your farm.

Château Penin Clairet, Château Penin Blanc and Château Penin Cabernet Franc (you will find technical sheet enclose)

7 - You can offer the most beautiful view (favorite point) of the vineyards or the surrounding landscape. May I ask you to take one or two photos of your favorite places?

Patrick Carteyron and  Vineyard
Patrick Carteyron and Vineyard
Chateau Vineyards...
Chateau Vineyards...

8 - What is your choice for "Yellow Road"?

Château Penin Natur

9 - If it's not a secret, tell us about your plans for the future ....


In the Chateau cellar
In the Chateau cellar
Libourne, old bastion
Libourne, old bastion

10 - What white wine producer (from France or another country) would you recommend for Yellow Road?

Pouilly Fuissé Domaine de Thibert

Sergey Evtuhov, author of the project "Yellow Road"

13 августа 2019 г. в 09:15
Yellow Road
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