28 августа 2020 г. в 10:52

To all Lithuanian citizens across globe

To all Lithuanian citizens across globe:

Lithuania current COVID-19 infection level is growing. 25/08/2020 14.6 cases per 100k over 14days. Below some other countries.

Poland 26.1 cases per 100k.

United Kingdom 22.5 cases.

Germany 20.3 cases.

Lithuanian health ministry set out following rules:

If country has 16-25 cases any arriving people must self isolate for 14 days.

If country has 25+ cases any arriving person must have within 72 hours COVID-19 test done with negative result in hand.

So every Monday there would be new list set by health ministry to show countries affected and procedures in place to react.

17/08/2020 Belarus was on the list as COVID-19 affected country between 16-25 cases - resulting 14 day self isolation on any arrivals.

Looking at ecdc.europa.eu Denmark has similar numbers as Belarus and Denmark has 27.2 cases per 100k 14day.

24/08/2020 Belarus disappears from affected country list with Ministry of Health of The Republic of Lithuania statement:

Belarus has not been included in the updated list of countries affected by coronavirus infection (COVID-19 disease), which came into force on Monday, so Lithuanian citizens returning from this country or foreigners with a residence permit in Lithuania no longer need to be isolated from Monday. However, 14 days of isolation remains mandatory for foreigners arriving from Belarus.

Now with all my heart I truly understand hard times people are having in Belarus. I do not support violence Alexander Lukashenko imposed against people and it was purely low and disrespectful response from country leader, but I also think protesters and activists took wrong approach against leader who grown in soviet union times where violence resolves issues. (different story)

My question to Ministry of Health of The Republic of Lithuania:

Are then Lithuanian citizens from other pandemic affected countries with no equal rights?

Why Lithuanian citizens coming from other countries where COVID-19 levels are measured and controlled appropriately have strictly to self isolate for 14 days?

Or is there no COVID-19 risk for Lithuanian citizens visiting Belarus? Is there no risk to Lithuanian nationals who are trying their best to avoid infection?

I understand help is required to Belarus but we can't just have "selective hearing" to pandemic which easily kills people!

Belarus was one the first countries to ignore corona-virus outbreak and even till now exact numbers are unclear. Current protests are only increasing risk of spread of pandemic in particular country and yet Lithuanian government happily opens free movement putting in danger Belarus and their own nation?

Have Lithuanian government ensured they can handle another outbreak? (numbers are growing fast)

Has government asked their nation do they feel safe and protected?

Has Ministry of Health of The Republic of Lithuania seen official guidelines set out by Europe and other health organizations? Or are they reinventing bicycle?

What does European Union think and does Lithuania not breach the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights?

Thousands of Lithuanian citizens across world are rescheduling their holidays so they can return to Lithuania with no need to quarantine and see their family and friends. Yet as another slap we been ignored and they open quarantine free movement with country (Belarus) which has no control over pandemic spread in their own land, they don't even have clear leader there!

Please share so we get some answers and equal opportunities!

Anton Saikovski, England

28 августа 2020 г. в 10:52
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